You don’t necessarily get to choose your thoughts.

You do not need to get any single thought too seriously. Why?! Because your mind is a lot like a mental playground constantly generating and experimenting with new solutions and new ideas. Therefore, no single thought can possibly define you. So you had a scary and negative ideas, or image or dream. No big deal!!! It is just your mind playing around with new ideas.

You have to remember !!! You do not necessarily get to choose your thoughts. Our mind has plenty of ideas why we always try to choose the bad one. Hence, we are the only one who would choose whatever we want which we want to act on and reflect.


17 thoughts on “You don’t necessarily get to choose your thoughts.

  1. So in the pyramid of psychology, there are our actions, thoughts, and emotions. All affect one another, but the ones we don’t have control over are actually our emotions. Therefore we need to be more conscious of our thoughts which we DO have control over. Like the other day, I could think differently if I took a step back from the situation, but that’s the only way to change how I feel, which I couldn’t control.

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    1. Thank you dear for your insightful comment, you right about this points. All about controlling our thoughts and driving it to the way we need. We are the one we should have the authority to control our mind, not our thoughts, because thoughts and emotion are being created by us. As a result, we should not allow bad to conquer good in us. Exactly, as that situation, you dealt with it by wisely as long as you are a wise person, and you write amazing things either. Thank you again for your great. 🙂👍

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  2. Thanks for this post Hussein! I’ve always thought that some of our thoughts are just made by our subconscious brain and run automatically as we go through our daily lives.

    It’s really hard to control our thoughts since it seems our subconscious brain just thinks on its own. So I agree with you that “no single thought can possibly define you”.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I enjoyed your article. I find both thoughts and feelings are like taps turned on. Something triggers a thought, someone, or some situation may suddenly arouse our feelings, but we do have control over how long the tap is left running.
    I worked with one teenage girl who had a real problem dealing wit her anger. A customer would say or do something that made her angry and instead of just letting it go, she’d be furious for half an hour. I told her one day, “You have one second to shut your feelings down before your anger boils over and you react with words and actions.”
    She didn’t appreciate my advice, but I wish she had listened. She and her boyfriend argued, then started hitting each other; they both at times had black eyes and bruises. The police were called to calm them down sometimes. They finally split up but her life went seriously downhill. I think her life would have been a lot better if she’d rather learned to shut off her anger — I hope she did learn in time.

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    1. Hi Christine! I am very glad to know you liked this article. What you shared it here is totally sad, and how that thing led to tragic ending. I could notice that you did your part by giving her your advice. If she would have appreciated your advice, it had not let to her in that way. I usually got angry of things but before going to step in, pause and start thinking of what it might happen next, if i needed to fight. And i try to avoid it by putting very negative consequences to myself, because angriness would not help to solve the problem itself, but it will take is to worse conditions and consequences. I had a point while reading your comment which i really found it amazing here it ” you have one second to shut your feelings……react with words and actions” and my question is how do you do that?! Thank you dear Christine for your great comment, meaningfully written👍

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      1. To answer your question: how does a person shut down their feelings. I find feelings are fanned by thoughts. If someone says something rude, for example, if I let myself think on what they said, replay it in my mind, my feelings get more and more upset. If I refuse to think about their words, think about something else, my feelings don’t get as much upset.
        As you say, you turn your thoughts to the consequences of anger: you pause and start thinking what if this leads to a fight? You think about those negative consequences. This gets your mind away from the incident that caused anger.
        Sometimes people allow their thoughts to circle around the unkindness. They think, “How dare he/she say that to me! And the tone of voice they used! They shouldn’t treat me this way. And…and…” So before long they are furious. I must turn to some other thoughts before all these bad ones come pouring into my mind. It isn’t easy, but it’s possible.
        I know you appreciate help with English words, so I hope you don’t mind if I correct one of your sentences. You wrote:
        And I try to avoid it by putting very negative consequences to myself, because angriness would not help to solve the problem itself, but it will take is to worse conditions and consequences.
        I would say it like this:
        “I try to avoid it (an argument? or a fight?) by imagining very negative personal consequences, because anger won’t help solve the problem, but will lead to worse conditions and consequences.”

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It is very nice of you to mention the explanation here as per requested, Christine 😊. I have profoundly learnt from it, it is so amazing point you have highlighted it here. Therefore, i am really thankful for your insightful reply, all are golden words👍. You right, i always appreciate the feedback of grammar errors through my fellows. That’s really awesome, i figured out some mistakes for what i have written here. I am so grateful for that too. I also learnt this from you. Please, feel free to correct me anytime if you find any mistakes in grammar either in my posts or comments. Seriously, did i make within this reply too?! 😉 thank you so much dear Christine. I hope whatever mistakes i commit, will not affect my content to let the readers understand what i am always writing.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. You’re welcome. I think I’ve told you before that I once tutored students who were learning English, so I can’t help but make a few corrections. 🙂 However, your English is very good and never hinders a reader from getting your meaning.
        Did you make any mistakes within your reply? Yes. In this sentence you left out any. 😉
        The verb make needs an object; you make something. any can be an object if we already know the subject. So, speaking of mistakes, you’d write: “Seriously, did I make any in this reply?” We don’t usually use “too” with “any.”
        Seriously, have I made some in this reply, too? would be fine also.
        English is funny. Some words just go with others and some don’t.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. You were so awesome tutor, i really appreciate you so much. Christine! You supportive and cooperative, love the way you act. You are a successful person, i judged that from your posts😀 best of luck 👍

        Liked by 1 person

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