Against the flow!

We could definitely gain creativity, if we just went against the flow of stream, as it has positive impact to turn us from consumers to productive. But if we go with the flow of stream, it means we want to stay in our comfort zone, and never think to get out of it, in this light, we will always stay as consumers not productive.

Our minds is about to switch off from its purpose, we have to believe in our mind. So make your own way and enjoy life.

It is just “click”

Just click ” SAVE ” to beautiful memories, and ” CANCEL” to get rid of the negative past to have a brighter future, instead of going into spiraling loop of depressions, and keep decreasing and increasing distances from the center point. But finally, you achieve nothing but getting worse. Forgetting is a great way to make replacement for old one by making no space for trash. You know what?! If you constantly do that, your brain will become full of happy moments, consequently, you will be busy in remembering it with a smile in your face, it will make others wonder how strong you are! whereas no time you may get to be sad.

Remember, keep deleting your passive old times until your memory becomes full so your brain later will find no space to save bad things anymore. Practice until you make it a habit.

Thanks for reading.