I am back

Hello Everyone!

Hope you’re all doing so well.

I miss you so much.

I would try to stay tune with you guys again.

I am glad to see that still stay in my page you my “ loyal friends “. we are beyond the word of follower in WP.

Proud of you, dear fellows.


Hussein F. Allam

It is just “click”

Just click ” SAVE ” to beautiful memories, and ” CANCEL” to get rid of the negative past to have a brighter future, instead of going into spiraling loop of depressions, and keep decreasing and increasing distances from the center point. But finally, you achieve nothing but getting worse. Forgetting is a great way to make replacement for old one by making no space for trash. You know what?! If you constantly do that, your brain will become full of happy moments, consequently, you will be busy in remembering it with a smile in your face, it will make others wonder how strong you are! whereas no time you may get to be sad.

Remember, keep deleting your passive old times until your memory becomes full so your brain later will find no space to save bad things anymore. Practice until you make it a habit.

Thanks for reading.

Random Six Words

I have just got this random thought in my mind, Therefore I directly went through WP to jot it down before I forgot it. However, I don’t know if it is either funny or plausible, it will be for you. But as for me, I felt that it has a big meaning, as a result I am not hesitated to share it with you guys.

Build rather than ride and drive.

Thanks for reading.


I don’t wanna be as what others want me to be!I am different!I am unique!Iam who I am!am the best copy of myself!No finger print is the same!Never change as what they want me to be!No more!Just be you!And I wanna be ” me “!Don’t try hard to convince me!I have my own mindset!Don’t push my button! If you made me upset!I am sure!You will get what you never expected!And we have limits!I shape my mind the way I need! Not you! It’s done..