There are a lot of people write with goals to benefit others while others write with no goals as they are only looking for gaining likes!

Are you looking for benefiting yourself while reading other people’s posts or you just hit likes to others blogs for paying attention of others blogs to return the favour for hitting back like to their post?!!

It is weird, I can find a lot of people hit likes to others blogs, in turn to gain more likes pages from the people who are being got likes by them.

One more thing, I see people only giving likes without reading the blog and even they don’t know what does the blog content talk about.
Interaction for others blogs is useful, while you are interacting, people can get more ideas, as it would support writers to write more.

If you look for gaining more likes without benefiting the other, it means your blog is useles, as you will fail for conveying the right message to readers about what you write. So blogs with no goals are useless. However, write with passion, make a goal for what you writing, make your writing with a goal to increase people’s awareness for things we may not know about., So that you will find more lovers more likes and readers on your page spontaneously.

If you look for gaining likes on your blogs, in no any particular order, quit writing immediately.

I don’t know, if I am the only one who noticed that ?!!

54 thoughts on “There are a lot of people write with goals to benefit others while others write with no goals as they are only looking for gaining likes!

  1. I agree with you, Hussein Allam.

    I always open up people’s posts. Some capture my attention more fully than others, but even those that don’t I still usually receive benefit from. Even if from a few words or sentences. I hope the same for the people who reach my posts.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks to agree with me, I actually noticed that since I started blogging, I felt that people are seeking for getting more followers and likes, in addition, they congratulate themselves by themselves by posting a post that they reached a good number of followers, I am not talking in general but about specific people who do this things. However, I saw a huge number of blogs with benefits either short or long but meaningful, and impressive at the same time. So the matters, they give you likes, and they will wait for you until you return the favour for them , but if you don’t do this, they will not visit your blog again, because you didn’t return the favour. It is too funny, isn’t it?!🙂 Thanks to share your comment here, means a lot to me, updownflight, you’re too kind🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I truly do like most of the posts of the people that follow me. I don’t follow others casually. It does make me happy when people like my post. Though I do mostly post for myself it is nice when someone relates to a post or finds it interesting. I’ve learned a lot of others’ posts, like yours, as well.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. You are absolutely right that this happens. But be careful! You can’t always tell who is putting time into reading and not just liking, nor do you really know if they are just hitting like buttons. If they read it on their email, it doesn’t show up as a read. I’m not sure what it does in the reader list, but you can often read it there. Your gut is probably right about some people just hitting the like button, but you don’t want to call out people who actually took the time to read your words and I’m not sure you can tell.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, you have clear point with regards what you said, got what you meant. Firstly, thanks to share your comment here, Daodeqi!🙂 But I mentioned that they are a specific people who do this type, as I did not talk in general, I am always be careful, I wrote this just to reach a certain goal, just encouraging this type of people to write something useful, so that we can learn something from their experience, as I am thirsty to learn new things, like reading and I saw a lot of impressive of blog people they have. At the end, everybody knows what they do, so that they can turn themselves to the right path. You have a beautiful blog posts, Daodeqi!❤️


      1. Thank you for your kind words and clarification. I will add that comments are amazing because they take the conversation to a deeper level. I love it when I think people have a different impression of my post than what I initially intended. That means that it was not limited to one single thought or the original idea. A commenter wouldn’t try to write exactly what you said; how could they ever say it so eloquently? So they just add to and show their appreciation. I hope you don’t find any of my comments off topic or contrary to the integrity of your piece. If I tried to say exactly what you were saying, I would only fail to give your words the justice they deserve. So I try to lift them up, give them more to stand on.
        I have so much love for your blog! It makes me think and challenges automatic assumptions. Mostly, Every Single One of your posts helps me understand others better. The value of that can not be priced.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I agree with your statement. How can you be sure who read your post or not? I don’t like any posts without reading it. I also read the comments because I’m curious about what people think about the topic. I’m surprised to read this happen. I’m new in this world of blogging. I feel thankful to read about it, so I can understand better how this works.

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      1. Maybe it’s best if we don’t know.? If we knew the percentage of likes on our page that were just button clicks, what would that do to our confidence and the future of our posts?

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      2. Thinking about it 🤔, I don’t want to know. My blog is the place I go when I want to do what I most love: to write. I wish people read it, but is ok if they don’t as well. I want to keep my motivation up. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Hi Miri,
        Nice to have you here, the thing which it was forced me to write this, one day I liked one blog, because that blog post was so amazing. Normally, I give likes to topics and blogs which I am not following, and followers either I follow them or my followers too .As a result, when I like something , liked it from all heart. However, never mind, I liked that post, after that I received a lot of likes on all of my blogs in few seconds , how come he/ she read it all in seconds ?!! It seems like wanted to return the favour by giving likes to my blogs, what do you think now?!!
        Once again, thank you for passing by, Miri! And welcome you are in the blogging world whose full of fantastic things, large of experience where you can find! 🌹

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      4. Just wrote. I am not having any tension, or even angry, i shared it because i wanted to reach a specific goal, furthermore just to know if someonse else has the same feelings and thoughts, be sure i dont accuse anyone, i was talking about certain group of people, thanks for passing by again, Miri! 😉

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  3. it is like this – some people don’t even read the posts and give likes in order to receive them but we cannot do anything about it

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I just try not to think about, I write with pleasure and if half of those likes are given without reading my post then so be it 🙂

        Liked by 3 people

      2. So do I, I will keep writing, never give up!🙂, So let them be! Btw, are you writing your poems from your own?! Because you share lovely poems and romantic sense too! 🙂

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      3. No, don’t get me wrong,😁, I just wondered from the way you do compose words for making a nice poems, that’s it! Or you might be inspired by someone else. I was just curious about knowing how you write it🌹🙂


      4. I always write what I feel and because my moods or the situations in my life are changing quite often my poems mirror the whole pallet of emotions 😄. But they are always based on my own feelings. I sometimes think that my everyday followers never know what to expect and I realise that it looks like I was emotionally unstable 😄 and how do I compose words? mostly they come from my head, inspired by music or pictures but sometimes I get inspired by something I read or I look for expressions and words on internet – English is not my mother tongue so if I want to use a word I search for sentences to see how it is used by native speakers

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      5. That’s really awesome that you share some information about how you write poems, as I believe that you grab a second thoughts and you write it down. you have a good talent in writing poems, so much great job you do, btw I thought English is your mother tongue, you surprised me actually, because your English is so much strong, however you inspired me to write poems too, even I don’t see myself in poetry that much good, but I will try😉 notably i like reading poems, I always read your poems, because it is attractive one. Keep the great work up, Love it now! 🌹hats off

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t know, we can’t find them out, as all your concentration must go on passion of what you writing about and what you writing for😉, notifying you that I am talking about specific number of people, I just wanted to make sure that you don’t get me wrong, i believe that people who have passion about what they write, they will never give up writing, as they will keep posting until they reach their goal and send their message to the world. Your question how do we know right?! People who follow this technique, they are the only one know themselves. Thanks for passing by, Dapo! 🙂


      1. Yeah yeah! We shouldn’t bother about side attractions. As you said, let’s keep writing.

        Smile…. Can you really pronounce Dapo? Am eager to know.

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  4. Well written Hussein I think that’s from time to time we all think we are getting likes for the sake of likes.
    But as one of your replies had written, we only write for ourselves anything that comes out of it is frosting on the cake.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks to let me know that we have mutual thoughts, we believe that there are a number of writers write for the purpose of getting likes, and they forgot the purpose of why writing has been created for, they are only-likes grainers Lol . Thank you so much for visiting, Mr Mel! 🙂👍

      Liked by 1 person

  5. You are always my best follower, hope I am the same to you. I got a lot of encouragements and support from your side, I guess that you don’t know how much you push me over ahead for doing much more on my blog from your frequent visits to my blogs, this feeling was inside of me, so now, I shared you my feelings towards your comment. However, I am wordless now, thanks straight from the heart, Daodeqi!🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You are so right, my dear. It’s easy to follow everyone and like everything. It’s not fair to the bloggers you follow if you like without reading. If all you do is like without reading, you should consider unfollowing.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Mainepaperpusher!
      How are you 🙂?!
      It is great to know that you noticed it too, they only just give likes without reading, how did i find that?! Ok, something happened actually, when I gave a like to someone blog post-can’t reveal his site name due to respect of others , however, he returned the favour quickly, as he hit around 20 posts in one second by giving likes only.😁, And that’s completely unfair very true, finally, I think he is super hero of WordPress. Thanks you passing by , Madam!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I so enjoyed this post. It’s a fantastically honest and fearless “cut that crap out!” message. If I could selectively choose my own likes, I would prefer that they be genuine and from someone who actually found a level of resonance with my words. With that said, I don’t really sweat the others because they will click and then move along anyway. I can tell you that I have liked certain writer’s posts at times that I didn’t always agree with or fully get. Nevertheless I could still see the effort and honesty someone put out there. I support those posts because so many people are afraid to speak up (unless the posts are intentionally hateful or mean – I don’t dig that in the slightest and believe that it’s cowardly to make personal attacks in anonymity on the internet). Maybe someone else just appreciated the pics that they could see. However the bar is pretty low if one is hitting “like” via what they could see from my own photos. Who knows. I write to work through my emotions and thoughts despite the thick tongue in cheek style. If someone writes for validation via likes, their blog probably won’t gain the steam to really grow a community of kindred spirits in the long run anyway. Overall I guess I’m copacetic no matter the reason, but yes, I definitely prefer the real likes, too. Just know this – the like you received from me on this post was legit and definitely warranted. Loved it. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Hhh, thanks to share about what you feel against ” likes gainers”. As I feel while reading your comment that you are really suffer from those types of people, so do I. However, your quoted words are summarized what I wanted to happen is just ” cut the crap out” is so much expressive and it covers all what I meant in the post. Don’t worry, I believe that this reflects that this comment and like are honest at your end🙂. Liked your beginning in writing the comment, and how it impressed me in the ending. Great share, and thanks for stopping by, means a lot to me, momentumofjoy!🙂


  9. I fully agree. There are people that go through, and like my posts, but that discourages me. Do you know why? Because it makes me feel bad that they didn’t even read the like EVERY one of my posts and than leave a comment st one of gen saying something like:
    Cool. Check out my blog now, it’s really cool and you’ll love it so much 😁
    And it makes me angry because the notifications for it come in so fast that I know that they don’t even care. I FULLY agree with you Hussein, I’m looking foreword for more of your posts in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Logan!

      How are you?
      Hhhhh, agreed with you to the point “, Check out my blog now, it’s really cool and you’ll love it so much 😁” so much tough when you see people only just passing by to your and write ” wow” great post blah blah blah, and then they ask for returning the favor. Poor! 😂😂😂

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      1. Hhhhh, that’s too really funny, you know what else they say when they visit a blog ” o yikes” 😂, they only just like giving attention that they read it, so then they will wait for you visiting their blog, but if it didn’t happen, they will not come back to visit your blog again, of course because you did not return the favour unfortunately, mostly they are like that, you said one main point earlier about you don’t follow people who are giving likes only , it is so much important this way, be as you are, nice thoughts you have , keep it up. So do I, feel the same way. 😉

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